Beard Stubble Trouble

Beard Stubble, Neck Beard, Facial Hair

Author: Bird Dog
Date: Nov. 03, 2022

For some, beard stubble can be a real problem. We’ve all heard of people who shave in the morning but by evening time, the five o’clock beard stubble and neck beard shadow appears. But, believe it or not, growing facial hair for certain individuals is a slow if not seemingly impossible process. When it comes to losing hair on your head, at least you can throw on your favorite fishing hat to cover it up. Unfortunately, covering up a patchy beard is more challenging.

Testosterone can impact how facial hair grows, but having high or low testosterone doesn’t necessarily dictate whether you have a thick or thin layer of beard stubble. It is fair to note that individuals with what’s considered extremely low testosterone levels do consistently have little to no facial hair. The diameter of human hair does vary from face to face, which can also contribute to how thick a neck beard looks and feels. In addition, key factors such as but not limited to: testosterone levels, family genetics, ethnicity, gender, nutrition, and age all play a role in how your beard grows.

It’s a known fact, for most of us, that as we grow through our teen years, up into our twenty’s, and even further into our thirties that our beard stubble will get thicker. Eventually, plateauing in our forties. Men’s facial hair, generally grows faster than that of women’s. But, all in all the an individuals genes dictates from person to person how quickly their hair grows.

It’s a common conversation topic that shaving your beard stubble and neck beard more frequently causes facial hair to grow faster. However, this isn’t the case. There is no research that supports this claim. Shaving you beard stubble on a regular basis won’t effect the overall speed at which your hair grows.

Factors that slow hair growth are something we should all familiarize ourselves with, as well. Whether you’re looking to thicken up and improve your beard stubble, or, you just want to maintain your current neck beard, there are variables you can use to control your facial hair. Maintaining a healthy diet will promote hair growth, while nutritional schedules like “crash diets” can deter growth. High stress levels can also lead to less rapid hair growth. Lastly, smoking and vitamin deficiencies can negatively effect hair growth.

It’s even an option to receive a beard implant. But, the cost is steep, so if this is a road you’re interested in traveling, make sure you have lots of branded bills with Alexander Hamilton’s face. The procedure can cost upwards to fifteen-thousand dollars. Because this procedure is considered as a cosmetic surgery, you won’t be able to rely on your insurance provider to chip in on the cost.

Just remember, everyone is unique and hair grows at different rates from person to person. You can’t control the genes you were born with. Although there are sizable amount of products available suggesting they have the formula to control how thick or thin your neck beard is or isn’t, be wary that there’s not an abundance of science that backs up their claims. If you want to have a meaningful change start by eating a healthy consistent diet and be diligent with your vitamin intake. Don’t forget to be patient. Stressing about how fast your facial hair is or isn’t growing won’t help the situation. Get in a hard work out and get a good nights rest and continue focusing on being the best you, you can be. Maybe plan that fishing trip to catch a big ol’ black mouth bass!